Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi All,

We have lots to be thankful for this year over on Stowell Avenue.  The kiddos are growing like weeds and making some big changes this month. 

Sullivan is now over 16 pounds, Kaitlyn is about 14.5 lbs and Kylee is about 11.5 lbs.  You can see in the picture above (Kylee, Sully, Katie) that they are getting quite chubby and cute.  So far they are all showing their different personalities.  Kylee has been very strong and outgoing, Sullivan was a little bashful until we figured out that he is more of a rough housing boy and likes to be tickled and such, Kaitlyn has been very patient and quick with a smile. 

They are all starting to try to babble a bit, especially the girls.  They try desperately to immitate sounds but just can't get their little mouths to do it well just yet, so it's mostly coos and gurgles and then smiles. 

Sully surprised us two nights ago by going the entire night without waking up!  He went from 7:30 PM to 5:30 AM, we were so proud!  The girls only woke up once for a bottle at 1:30 but other than that they went the whole night.

So last night we thought for sure they were going to throw us for a loop but suprise...the girls went from 8PM to 4AM and Sully went all night again!

We hope this is a nice turn of events for a while becuase the 1-3 hours of sleep a night was not working long term for us. 

The girls also saw the GI specialist at Childrens a few weeks ago but he just kept them on their current reflux medication and said "oh they probably just have collic so you should just read the Happy Baby book"... that's nice!  Regardless they seem to be making strides on their own. 

Sully and Kaitlyn both have torticollis so we will have PT for them but also do it three times per day at home ourselves.  Kylee is just fine and doesn't have much need for PT.

Well, thanks for listening and being with us during our hardest times, for that we are very thankful. 

Dan and Becky

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