
Welcome to our friends and family. Thank you so much for following our story and for all your support throughout our fertility, pregnancy, birth and homecoming. We have appreciated all of your prayers and help along the way, more than you will ever know.

We are starting this blog to keep those loved ones of ours whom we do not get to see very often updated on the triplets. We hope to write as much as time will allow. The first few weeks / months will be wild but when things settle down we'll be writing more and posting new pictures.


Becky and Dan


Unknown said...

Can't wait to meet those babies!!!
Welcome home!


mkb said...

Enjoy the 'fog', laugh often! Can't wait to follow your blog, too! -kelly

Julie Smith said...

Glad to hear your family is all together at home. I'm so happy for all of you and wish you all a lot of sleep! I hope the babies quickly learn to sleep all night.

Elise said...

Tom and I are thrilled that you are all home and healthy. We can't wait meet these little ones.



Kris Truelove said...

You guys are awesome! I'm so glad you're all home. Hopefully some sleep will come soon. Thanks for keeping us posted, but obviously noone will be expecting you to have much 'spare time' to write anytime soon!:)