Please Help!

Hi Everyone!

This is a serious offer.  Does anyone want to help with one night feeding?  You could sleep in our guest bedroom and have your own bathroom.  There's typically a midnight feeding and a 3 am feeding.  If you think you can swing it just email me at

The kids are great but the sleep deprivation is killing us.  We are hiring a nanny to help with night time too.


Niki said...

Oh you guys, I feel your pain and cannot imagine going through the feeding, diapering routine with 3 babies during the night. My one is enough work. Here we are, Hadleigh is 7 weeks old and I'm lucky if we get a rare 3 hour stretch of sleep during the night. She's waking up hourly very often during the night. I feel like a zombie most of the time. Hopefully we will all get more sleep soon.

mkb said...

i SO wish I could help you guys out. i'd be there in a heart beat. YOU CAN DO IT!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry I can't help out. You might try sending an e-mail to Woodside staff (or I could post something on the staff board if you'd like). Just to see if anyone might be able or if someone might know someone.

I hope you find someone. I can only imagine how exhausted you must be!!!