Back to Work

Becky went back to work this morning for the first time since going on bed rest in March.  It was a sad night last night and this morning for her.  She will miss the babies so much. 

The Doctor said yesterday that they are doing excellent.  Kylee now weighs 9lbs 11 oz, Kaitlyn 12lbs 1oz, Sullivan 12lbs 4 oz.  The girls are still having a tough time with their reflux and will need to go see a specialist at Childrens Hospital to see if there is anything more we can do for them.  We are just happy they are gaining weight despite the reflux problem. 


Sully is off his Monitor as of last Thursday.  Yeah! 

Becky goes back to work on Wednesday and we are kind of freaking out about that.  How does one commute 45 minutes each way after sleeping 3 hours per night?  Probably need to move asap.

Doctor appt tomorrow.  Can't wait to see how much the kids weigh.  We need to address some things with Kylee and Kaitlyn.  We still can't figure out whey they are fussing so much in the middle of the night.  Seems like we now have the reflux and gas under as much control as we are going to get it.  Hmmm, milk allergy?

More smiles and some tiny giggles lately out of the kids.  That has been great.  They have been working us over pretty good the last week or so though.  Last night was so crazy Becky and I just had to laugh or we would be crying along with the kiddos.  I tried to get the video camera out to capture the craziness and as soon as I had it out of the bag, they all fell asleep on cue.

Funny Number Estimates: 

Total diaper changes =1,700 + times since July 28
Total bottle feedings = 1,800 + times since July 28

Dreams of consistent sleep are dancing in our heads!


Finally feeling better!

Becky and Sully on the couch about a week ago. 

All three kiddos seem to be growing and doing well.  None of them got sick these past two weeks which was a god send.  We had nightmares of them all going back to the NICU.  We have also had to really stay on top of their reflux and all three are on medication two times per day for that.  This makes sleeping very unpredictable, especially for the girls.  All three seem to deal with excessive gas on top of this which apparently is painful for little babies so we have to stay on top of that too.  Sully is still on his apnea monitor which continues to be a challenge.  Just when you think you have them all down for a nice sleep, he'll rip off one of his leads and the alarm goes crazy.  That happened last night at about 2 in the morning.  Ugh.  Supposedly the Doc might take him off of this monitor next week.  This would be great if he can achieve that because he has been on it since he came home July 29th. 

Becky and I both came down with something last week.  They think I had the H1N1 virus and Becky probably had a bad cold.  I'm sure our immune systems are not as strong as we would like due to sleep deprivation.  But...we are both back to normal finally.  It makes it a lot easier to care for kids in the middle of the night when you are not feeling sick yourself.  Plus I was not able to help at all for 3 days so Becky was doing everything on her own.  We had some special people help out during this time though so we are very thankful for that. 

One neat thing that is happening lately is that we are seeing these little ones really learn how to snuggle.  After they eat, they just want to pile on us and are starting to wrap their little arms around us.  They all love to stare at whomever is holding them and they are often looking around the room for somebody to connect with. 

We are starting to get some little smiles here and there which has been fun.  They are not smiling on demand all the time, but they will surprise you sometimes and give you a big grin.  This is the stuff that keeps us going! 

Becky goes back to work in two weeks which will be another huge challenge.  It would not be so bad if her drive was not so long.  She will be living on coffee for a few months i'm sure.  This also means that I will have to handle the early morning feedings solo every day.  We will both be pushing our limits for a time, but have hope that in the next two months we'll be doing better on sleep. 

That's all for now!


It's almost funny!

Hey, do you want to hear something funny? 

The Doctor thinks I may have swine flu and Becky has carpal tunnel in both wrists from carrying babies!  Talk about piling it on. 

I was feeling somewhat sick on Tuesday night and thought it was a cold.  Then Wednesday I worked all day and I started to feel worse by the end of the day.  Thursday I went to the Doctor and they said I had the flu, except, it's not flu season yet, so the only likely option is the darn swine flu.  Obviously we were immediately frightened for the safety of the babies because of the fact that they don't have immune systems yet.  So we called the pediatrician and they let us know that if they were going to catch it that they would have by now so we should look for certain symptoms.  Thank God they have not shown any symptoms so far like lethargy, lack of eating, abnormal fussiness etc.  They are still just being themselves.  Becky also has not caught it.  So, since yesterday I have been sequestered on the 3rd floor of the house and working from my home office when I feel up to it.  I can't hold the babies which is sad and I have to wear a mask when I am in the rest of the house.  Hopefully the antiviral drugs will work fast!

Becky also went to the Doctor yesterday because her wrist has been hurting so bad.  She's been diagnosed with carpal tunnel (in both but one is worse than the other) and had to have a cortisone shot in one wrist and has to wear a brace.  She is pushing through it though because the worste thing we can do is have me helping out around the kids.  Friends and family have been rallying to help which is nice and we are very grateful for.  We are not sure what the prognosis is for her wrist but she'll have to deal with it once I get better.

The good news is the babies went to the Doctor the other day and we confirmed that they have been growing very well despite all their reflux etc... Kaitlyn is 10lbs 8 oz, Sullivan is 10 lbs 1 oz, Kylee is 8lbs 9oz!

Sully is quite long and doesn't fit into anything under 3 months anymore.  Kylee is wearing all of Kaitlyn's old stuff already and Kaitlyn is closing on on wearing 3-6 month stuff. 

Sullivan can almost roll over now and tries diligently to do so when given a chance.  He took the title of star eater and sleeper from Kaitlyn recently.  Kaitlyn is our little gerber baby and Kylee is our little outgoing one so far.  If you hold Kylee you will notice that she is always searching the room for somebody to stare at, it is pretty funny. 

They are mostly happy, except between 5pm and 10pm and 3am to 10am, kind of kidding, but not really. 

We've been talking to some triplet parents lately and they have assured us that their babies gave them a hard time initially like ours have but that it gets better.  Mostly it is the lack of sleep that has been hard.  Popular triplet mom opinion is that in the next month or so they will be sleeping much better.  Fingers are crossed!

That's it for now, back to bed for me and on to feedings for Becky!

