
Hi All,

Well, we thought we had the reflux under control but the girls threw us for a bit of a loop.  Both did not really have any positive effect from the first medication so we had to start them on another.  Apparently it's almost a sure thing for premature babies to have reflux.  It's too bad because we were just getting everybody eating enough that they would start sleeping more and as soon as we thought we were on the way the reflux thing came back with a vengence. 

It's hard to see the little ones feel bad and you can tell that they aren't comfortable because they push the bottle away and don't sleep well.  So, last week we didn't get much sleep.  We had some great help though on Thursday night last week and last night so we were able to catch up on much needed rest.  I think over the course of about 72 hours last week we had only about 10 hours between us. 

Meanwhile, Sullivan has become our little eater.  He took well to his reflux medication and has been eating like a champ.  This is great news because he was really in a lot of discomfort for a while.  This means he can sleep more which is great, except the girls aren't sleeping like him due to their reflux, so it throws the whole schedule off kilter. 

The best news is that despite all this they are all really gaining weight and are the picture of health otherwise.  Right now they basically look like 5 week olds since their due date was August 26th. 

When they aren't fussing with reflux they love to hang out in their bouncy seats or in a swing and sometimes they "play" together on their play mat, which consists of waving their arms and kicking their legs around until they get overwhelmed and need to be picked up again.

Yukon is quite taken with the babies and has adjusted well.  He tries to sneak in a few licks now and again, especially after they take a bath.  He just can't resist the smell of baby shampoo.  Poor guy, it must take all of his self control to just not pin them to the ground and lick them all over.  The kiddos don't seem to notice him just yet as they only have eyes for their mommy and daddy right now.

More later.  Take care!


You Know It Peeps!

Kylee and Sullivan sharing dinner together and holdings hands 9/19/09.  They are already great friends. 

Double Duty!  First time feeding two together 9/19/09.  Thanks for the tips Tanya! 

Katie and Sullivan eating together 9/19/09.

Wow! The triplets are now three months old and they are changing everyday.  They are consistently gaining weight and are the picture of good health.  All three have acid reflux but we've got that under control for now.  Yes! 

We've had some wonderful help lately from some really good friends, old and new.  Tanya, Lissa, Dzia, Dzia, Grammy, Gramma and Papa have all helped us get some extra sleep recently and that is worth a ton!  Thanks you guys.  Suzy, Linda, Casey, Phyllis, Chelsea and so many others thank you for your help too!  It all helps!

Thanks Kelly for the awesome pitcher, now we can get rid of the salad dressing mixer and make some gigantic amounts of formula!
Becky and Dan

Labor Day Weekend

Hi to all.  Above is a picture of the three wee ones on their fun blanket. They seem to be very intrigued by laying there together and are starting to really see a lot of different things and having some reaction to them. When we put them on the this play mat they move their arms like crazy and kick and stare at each other and seem to thoroughly enjoy the experience. 
Kaitlyn was weighed last Thursday at 8lbs 5.5 oz so I'm guessing she's around 8lbs 10oz today.  Kylee was weighed at 6lbs 7 oz and she's been eating like crazy so i'm guessing she is 6lbs 14 or so.  Sullivan was weighed at 8lbs 1oz so he's probably closing in on 8lbs 7oz today. 
They are definitely turning into little full term babies now and are much more interested in their surroundings and demand a change if they don't like where they are or what is happening. 
Becky and I are working hard to give them everything they need and thankfully have had some wonderful help from all the grandparents and some great friends and neighbors.  We've even had some Aunts and Uncles pitch in and lend a hand.  So there is no shortage of people that love these little guys. 
We are enjoying our little ones so much but kind of are looking forward to a month or two out when they are sleeping and eating a bit more.  Right now it is pretty much every 2.5 - 3 hours you have to get them going.  Which means that we really only get about 1.5-2 hrs of sleep at a stretch.  That is if one of them doesn't have an issue or want to play when they are supposed to be sleeping.
Overall we think they are doing well, and our home care nurse has said she does not need to come anymore because they are doing so well.
Kaitlyn graduated from her Apnea monitor this week so we just have Sullivan left on his, which does make things considerably easier. 
That's it for now, have a wonderful long weekend!