Please Help!

Hi Everyone!

This is a serious offer.  Does anyone want to help with one night feeding?  You could sleep in our guest bedroom and have your own bathroom.  There's typically a midnight feeding and a 3 am feeding.  If you think you can swing it just email me at

The kids are great but the sleep deprivation is killing us.  We are hiring a nanny to help with night time too.

40 Weeks!

Yesterday marked 40 weeks and would have been the babies actual due date had they gone full term.  Seeing how big they are now, I realize how much of an impossibility that would have been for Becky. 

The nurse came to the house today for their weekly check up and weighed the kiddos. 

Kaitlyn - 8lbs 1 oz
Sullivan - 7lbs 8 oz
Kylee - 6lbs

They've all gained a pound in the last week or so!  The nurse also said they are doing well developmentally so far and thought they were doing just fine.  So, it's nice to know they like it over here with their parents.

Sleep has definitely been a problem though.  We are hoping with the increased food intake recommended by the nurse today that they will sleep a tad longer between feedings.  Lately it has been every 2 to 3 hours (closer to 2) that they need to be diapered and fed.  That's 21 diapers and 21 feedings per day, but who is counting?

We just got a call today from Dr. De Lia and he was hoping we'd go on the Saturday Morning News on WISN with him to interview with Portia Young about the TTTS foundation and a fund raiser that is upcoming for that.  Could be the kids first shot at stardom!  Maybe if they catch somebody's eye, we'll get them onto a tv show.  One of them could be the next Fred Savage.  More likely, one or all of them will decide they are hungry at precisely the same time the cameras are turned on and start blowing a gasket.  We'll see if we're up to it and if they want us by tomorrow. 

That's it for now.

Take care,
Kylee, Kaitlyn and Sullivan 8-23-09
Grandparents are here helping today!

8/21/09 Update


The past few weeks has been quite crazy. We are enjoying our little ones being at home and have been working at keeping them on a schedule for changing and feeding. Becky is doing an incredible job and has figured out how to handle all three babies at one time for a changing and feeding. They typically eat every 3 hours so it has been pretty busy. The hardest part has been the midnight, 3AM and 6AM feedings as by that time we are exhausted.

The grandparents have been a big help thus far and given us a few breaks.

The fun part is when we get them all fed and happy and they are just content and snuggled up with us.

Kaitlyn is now over 7 pounds, Sullivan is about 6.5 pounds and Kylee is catching up fast and is about 5.5 pounds.

We're hoping for more steady sleep once they get to be about 10 pounds.

So far they've been to the doctor two times and the opthamologist one time. Both doctors say they are doing very well.

More to come soon!



Welcome to our friends and family. Thank you so much for following our story and for all your support throughout our fertility, pregnancy, birth and homecoming. We have appreciated all of your prayers and help along the way, more than you will ever know.

We are starting this blog to keep those loved ones of ours whom we do not get to see very often updated on the triplets. We hope to write as much as time will allow. The first few weeks / months will be wild but when things settle down we'll be writing more and posting new pictures.


Becky and Dan